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XSetup plugin | 2000-08-07 | 2.1 KB | 96 lines |
- "FILE"="Xteq Systems X-Setup Plugin 5.0"
- "TYPE"="6"
- "COUNT"="4"
- "UIPATH"="Internet\Instant Messaging\Excite PAL"
- "NAME"="General Settings"
- "LANGUAGE"="VBScript"
- "VERSION"="1.08"
- "TEXT 1"="Automatically load Excite PAL when Windows is started"
- "TEXT 2"="Show only friends that are online (hide offline friends)"
- "TEXT 3"="Play sound when a message is received"
- "TEXT 4"="Play sound when a contact comes online"
- "DESCRIPTION 1"="You can use this plug-in to change the options for Excite PAL."
- "DESCRIPTION 2"="Excite PAL may be obtained at http://www.excite.com/communities/pal/home/."
- "AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
- "CONTACTURL"="http://www.xteq.com"
- "COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
- "COMMENT 1"=" "
- "COMMENT 2"="Thanks to CptSiskoX for the settings and the idea."
- sV_Reg="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Ubique\PAL\Path"
- sSec="Settings"
- sFile="pal.ini"
- sPath=""
- sV1="LaunchAtStartup"
- sV2="ShowOnlineOnly"
- sV3="BeepIM"
- sV4="BeepBuddy"
- Sub Plugin_Initialize
- sPath=RegReadValue(sV_Reg)
- if isempty(sPath)=false then
- sPath=sPath & "\" & sFile
- if fileexists(sPAth) then
- s=IniReadValue(sPath,sSec,sV1)
- if s="1" then SetUIElement 1,true
- s=IniReadValue(sPath,sSec,sV2)
- if s="1" then SetUIElement 2,true
- s=IniReadValue(sPath,sSec,sV3)
- if s="1" then SetUIElement 3,true
- s=IniReadValue(sPath,sSec,sV4)
- if s="1" then SetUIElement 4,true
- else
- Disable
- end if
- else
- Disable
- end if
- End Sub
- Sub Plugin_CheckData(ElementIndex)
- End Sub
- Sub Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex)
- if GetUIElement(1)=true then
- s="1"
- else
- s="0"
- end if
- Call IniWriteValue(sPath,sSec,sV1,s)
- if GetUIElement(2)=true then
- s="1"
- else
- s="0"
- end if
- Call IniWriteValue(sPath,sSec,sV2,s)
- if GetUIElement(3)=true then
- s="1"
- else
- s="0"
- end if
- Call IniWriteValue(sPath,sSec,sV3,s)
- if GetUIElement(4)=true then
- s="1"
- else
- s="0"
- end if
- Call IniWriteValue(sPath,sSec,sV4,s)
- End Sub
- Sub Plugin_Terminate
- End Sub